Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Increasing Sales -Part 2

Tuesday, September 2, 2014 8:14 AM
“Increasing Sales” was the subject matter of our last post and why it is so important. In this post on “Increasing Sales” we are going to focus on the ‘how to” of “Increasing Sales.”

First of all, let me say that I do NOT believe in cold calling if at all possible. I have done lots of cold calling in all of the years that I have been in business and I have had a lot of success with cold calling. However, I have had far more success with “warm calling.”

What is “warm calling?” Warm calling is where you have already had contact with an individual even if you have never spoken with them. Seems pretty odd right? Keep in mind there are many ways to do this such as:

  • Setting up an email campaign.
  • Building a subscriber list to your newsletter, e-zine, or blog.
  • Properly using a specifically timed direct mail campaign.
  • Offer a free seminar showing your prospects how to…….
  • Many more that time won’t allow us to go into here.

Once you set any of these up or a combination of these and you keep in mind that it will take some time, you are well on your way to never having to cold call again. We can get into each of these at another time but for this post we want to stay with the overall idea.

When you send out beneficial information to your prospects (beneficial to them and their industry, not yours), you will be seen as a trusted individual. You will come to be known as the expert on your subject provided you always keep your customers and prospects best interests first and foremost in your mind at all times.

You also want to learn about them personally which we discussed in our other posts (if you have not read them please take the time and do so as soon as possible).

When people come to trust you and see that you are there to help them and not just yourself, they will begin to open up to you and will invite you in. You will be seen as a trusted adviser rather than someone trying to get into their wallet.

Everything that you do with and for your prospects and customers should always be from their standpoint, let me explain:

Let’s say that you sell plumbing supplies and you are trying to expand your customer base. You can go in and knock on the doors of all of the plumbers in your area and see how far you get. You will no doubt get some business just through the law of averages. But to really send your numbers flying, find out all about them.

First, start with getting to know all about plumbers and what they go through. Find out all of the major issues they are facing. What problems are unique to them, what problems keep surfacing during your research? Once you have this information, look into your company and see if you have already solved these issues for some of your current customers. If you have, detail exactly what you did and how you did it.

Now package this information in an attractive binder and have this with you whenever you are out selling. Take some of the information from your binder and create a “teaser” ad on your voice mail. How? Change your recording and instead of saying you are away from your desk, make it a commercial and say “we have found with our current customers they are experiencing _________________ problems. We recently resolved this for them and saved them $__________ and it helped them to ___________. We can show you how this works with no cost to you…..”

Call your prospects and leave this information on their voice mail. When you call a prospect and get their voice mail, tell them the same thing that is on your voice mail but change it up a little bit so they aren’t hearing the exact same words. They will call you back because now you are someone that understands them and has a solution to their problem.

Our job in business is to solve problems. The more problems you solve and the bigger problems you solve, the bigger your paycheck will be.

This strategy works in every industry around the world. I know because I have used this strategy around the world and it has never failed - ever! We can dive deeper into this at another time down the road but for now, give it a try and let us know how it works out for you.

In fact, please give it a try, get the results and email us at info@empowermediallc.net and tell us your story, we would love to hear from you. You never know, you may get free training with us, free products, etc. We are here for you and want nothing but your success.

While you are here subscribe to this blog right now and invite your friends and colleagues to subscribe as well – your bank account will thank you!

If you would like help with this or any other business, sales, marketing, social media issues and more, contact us at:

Until our next post – we wish you all success!

Dean Marchese

 The Dean of Success! ©
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