In this holiday season of Thanksgiving, we
must ask the question - “Are You Thanksgiving?”
Now it must seem pretty ridiculous to pose
this question but please think through what I am really asking. I am not asking
if you are thankful (we all should be), or if you celebrate Thanksgiving but
what I am really asking is do you give thanks?
This is not a political or religious
discussion (we can have that at another time if you wish), this is a business
question with enormous repercussions. The way that you respond to this
extremely important question will go a long way in determining if you are
successful or not.
I know many people that say with their lips
they are thankful but declare otherwise with their actions. They say they are
customer friendly then run their customers and prospects out the door. They say
they are thankful but create what we call “Sales Prevention Departments.”
So where are you in all of this? Think it’s
important or do you think I am wasting your time? You had better think again if
you think this is a waste of time.
Your customers and prospects want to feel important. They want you to make
them feel like there is no other place on earth that will do for them what you
will do. Make sure you get this; if you do you will start to rethink everything
that you are doing. Everything from before you actually engage with your
customers and prospects to the time you are delivering your products and
services to getting paid. Think through things like:
- How
does your marketing make them feel?
- How
are they greeted on the phone?
- How
does your staff answer the phone?
- How
do you follow up on customer complaints?
- How
do you handle collections?
All of this is
so important it can’t be overemphasized.
I just heard
about a politician that died recently. As the news media usually does, they
want to tell you all of the good things about the person now that they are dead
(think they could do some of it while they are alive?).
The report was
about how this politician had people protesting outside of his house early on
in his career. You know what he did? He went outside and sat down in the middle
of those protesting and started to talk with them. He found out what they were
protesting about, discussed the issues with them and shared information that he
had that they didn’t. Guess what? Not only did he win, but was reelected over
and over again.
How about when
you hire a new employee, are you thanksgiving? That seems like a strange
question because after all you gave them the job, they owe you right? Maybe.
Maybe you are the one that owes them or better yet, how about you owe each
other – BOOM, I just blew your mind!!!!!
You can’t do
everything yourself. If we could there would never be a need for an employee. Other
people allow you to do what you are best at. They allow you to be in the
spotlight while they are working behind the scenes. They can handle the
shipping and receiving while you are winning more business, etc.
The next time
you hire someone why not have balloons at their desk, a cake to welcome them
and a genuine party to show how happy you are that they are on your team?!
Doing this not only makes them feel extremely welcome and reduces their
nervousness, it endears them to you because no one, and I mean no one is doing
What a radical
idea, showing appreciation for someone, showing them you actually care. Is this
different? You bet, and that’s the point!
So in this
Thanksgiving season, ask yourself, “Are You Thanksgiving?” Now get to work showing
you know one person that would really benefit and could change their
circumstances with this information; be their hero and share this post with
them right now!
If you would like help with this or any other business,
sales, marketing, social media issues and more, contact us at:
Until our next post – we wish you all success!
Dean Marchese
The Dean of Success! ©