Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Autopsy of a Sales Call

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 7:54 AM
In the "Autopsy of a Sales Call" we are going to walk through a typical sales presentation and see how things go. In our subsequent posts we will also dig further into each of these to see what we did right and see if there is any room for improvement.

Our Target:

For this example we are going to try selling our products and services on a B2B corporate level rather than on a B2C or consumer level. We will go through consumer sales at another time as well as government sales but for now, let’s focus on selling at a corporate level.

Our Sales Scenario:

Bob has been trying to get an appointment with the head of purchasing at his target prospect, ABC Distributing for quite some time. He finally gets the appointment and heads over to make the biggest sale of his life.

Bob is pretty sure he has this one because of all of the great things he was told about his company’s products and services by his prospect. He just needs to keep his nerves under control and don’t do anything foolish.

His Big Introduction:

Bob makes his way through the parking lot and the main lobby not paying attention to anything that is around him in order to keep his focus on one thing – making the sale!

He is now getting introduced to the main person and their associates while he is trying to keep from shaking, sweating and worse, showing it. He sits down and knowing how busy and important these people are, gets right to his presentation so he doesn’t waste their time.

Their Reaction:

Bob finishes his presentation with a silent sigh of relief and waits for their reaction. They tell him he did a great job and they really appreciate his time and they tell him his presentation was just what they were looking for – what a weight off of Bob’s shoulders. He can’t wait to tell his boss the good news.

Hello Vacation:

With the most nerve racking presentation of his career behind him, Bob can now focus on setting up a much needed and well deserved vacation. With the commission he will make on this sale he can afford to go on vacation and not worry about spending too much as he will be financially good to go.

Bob gets all of the information he needs to head to the beach, the cost of the plane tickets, hotel on the beach, rental car and more. He figures out how much cash he will need and pays down on his credit card balance so he has no issues while away.

Make That Deposit:

With everything lined up, there is only one thing left that Bob has to do and that is pick up his commission check and deposit it into the bank.

Just One Thing:

There is just one thing, and that is……. 

Check back for our next post to see where this goes and how Bob’s dream vacation turns out because this could be you.

Write and let me know how you think things go for Bob and you might win some FREE gifts.

Until my next post, I wish you all success!

Dean Marchese
The Dean of Success!©

P.S. Grow Your Business Faster Here:

Need to grow your business right now? Email me directly at Dean@empowermediallc.net and I will share with you exactly how we:

Ø  Started a janitorial business on a bet and grew it to $1 Million in only 18 months!
Ø  Grew one department in a company from nearly $0.00 to over $80 Million in only 8 months!
Ø  Helped someone with an idea create a business and signed a contract worth $500 Million in only 9 months!
Ø  Guided a Madison Avenue Ad Agency to make a few changes which helped them win hundreds of millions of dollars in new business – many of their ads you have seen!
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Ø  Helped a delivery company increase by over $1.5 Billion per year!
Ø  Whether you are large or small, new or have been at it a while, we can help you grow faster than you ever imagined – email me NOW at Dean@empowermediallc.net!

P.P.S. The email that you can reach me at that I listed above is a direct email to me. No opt-ins, no forms to fill out, no filling your inbox with endless emails and this does NOT go to an assistant, it comes directly to me so email me now!

About the Author:

Known as The Dean of Success© Dean Marchese has built businesses from scratch, turned others around and helped others grow beyond their dreams. He has helped tiny startups become major players and major players stay at the top.

He has trained and worked with over 30,000 salespeople and owners around the world become massively successful and he can help you too.
Why waste years of your life figuring out how to do something when someone can show you how in a very short time?

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