Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Autopsy of a Sales Call, Part Four

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 8:08 AM
In our post Autopsy of a Sales Call part three, we started to map out our plan that will help Bob get this situation turned around. In this, our fourth and final part of this series, we will see how Bob put this to use and how you can too.

The Reality

The reality is that Bob wasn’t prepared when he first went after his prospects but he didn’t know that. He didn’t have as good a relationship with his prospect as he thought. Since he went through the pain of losing that deal Bob vowed to never be in that position again. Now what does he do to turn it around?

What Should I Do?

The first thing Bob does is get in front of a mirror and asks himself what is going on, what is he going to do to change his future? He decides to go right to the source (good decision). He makes a decision that he will no longer accept guess-work and needs to know the real reason behind his losses.

The Call

Bob decides to call the prospect of the lost sale and get an appointment but not to ask for any business. He wants them to tell him where he fell short. He wants to hear the painful news directly from the prospect so he can change his future. He will take notes, take direction, be teachable, and take action based on what he is hearing.

The action Bob takes will be in the form of looking at himself in a critical way but not a way that is damaging, that is not the purpose here. The critical view has to be regarding his sales approach, his relationship building, the information that he gives out including body language and so on. He is doing this to become better not to beat himself up over it. He must keep reminding himself this is to focus his energy on becoming the best Bob that Bob can be.

Decide That This Is The End

Bob has decided this is the end to acting like everyone else acts in his industry. He is going to be the most professional that he can be. Bob is determined to be known as the best in his industry, the person that everyone can count on and the person that knows more about his industry (sales), and more about his prospects and customers than his competitors.

The Plan

The plan starts with reaching out to all of his current and past customers to try and get a face to face appointment with them. Once he has secured the appointments he is going to tell them exactly what he is doing. He wants to be the best in his industry and will take all of the constructive criticism he can get. He is going to ask them to be brutally honest with him.

            *Where can he improve?
            * What has he been missing in their view?
            * What does he need to get better at doing?
            * What does he need to stop doing?
            * What are their main pain points?

Bob is going to go through a list of everything that he can think of and have them tell him what they think and ask for anything he is missing.

Once he leaves their offices he will write every one of them a letter (an actual letter, not an email), thanking them for their time and honesty and is diligently working on their suggestions.

Just The Beginning

The plan that Bob has put into place is just the beginning but it will go a long way to helping him become the best that he can be.

Now the question is what is your plan and when are you going to start it? Will you be honest with yourself about your shortcomings? Will you diligently go about making the changes that you need to make to ensure your future success?

Keep in mind the questions above and know that most won’t follow through. However, I believe that you are better than most. I believe that you have what it takes to be the best. I believe in you!

Until my next post, I wish you all success!

Dean Marchese
The Dean of Success!©

P.S. Grow Your Business Faster Here:

Need to grow your business right now? Email me directly at Dean@empowermediallc.net and I will share with you exactly how we:

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P.P.S. The email that you can reach me at that I listed above is a direct email to me. No opt-ins, no forms to fill out, no filling your inbox with endless emails and this does NOT go to an assistant, it comes directly to me so email me now!

About the Author:

Known as The Dean of Success© Dean Marchese has built businesses from scratch, turned others around and helped others grow beyond their dreams. He has helped tiny startups become major players and major players stay at the top.

He has trained and worked with over 30,000 salespeople and owners around the world become massively successful and he can help you too.
Why waste years of your life figuring out how to do something when someone can show you how in a very short time?

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