In our last posts we discussed “Your
Why” and “Your How” so now we move on to “Your Obstacles.”
Do You Actually Have Obstacles?
Well yes and no, let me explain:
Everything we want in life we have to work for, like it or not that’s the way
it is. Because of this there are natural obstacles. When you were a little kid
and wanted cookies, you had to ask for them or try and climb up to where the
cookies were and get them. That may have been easy or it may have been tough depending
on your situation. In other words you had an obstacle you had to overcome.
It wasn’t because you were born on the
wrong side of town or anything like that, it’s just that you wanted them and
needed to figure out how to get them. If you wanted the cookies you didn’t
whine or march on Washington, you found a way around the obstacle.
There may be obstacles in life that are
unfortunate or man-made like prejudice or other foolishness that exists. In
order to be successful you must figure out ways around your obstacles but in
order to do this the right way you have to know what your obstacles really are.
Real or Imaginary:
product but poor marketing?
product wrong message?
list goes on and on?
Make sure you are being honest with
yourself and those around you. If you aren’t sure about this and you have
current customers, go see them and ask them, they will tell you. If you have
past customers ask them as these are the best because they don’t care about
hurting your feelings and will tell you the truth.
Now What?
Once you have this information go back
and analyze it and see where you can improve upon the things they told you. How
do you get better at these things, how do you overcome them?
As you do this you will start to see
there is a whole market for what you are offering and you may end up with a
much better plan than your original one.
The moral of the story is to not let
obstacles stand in your way, use them to help launch you to a much better
place. Before you know it you will have overcome “Your Obstacles” and be the
success you always dreamed of becoming!
Until my next post, I wish you all success!
The Dean
of Success!©
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the Author:
as The Dean of Success© Dean Marchese has built
businesses from scratch, turned others around and helped others grow beyond
their dreams. He has helped tiny startups become major players and major
players stay at the top.
He has trained and worked with over
30,000 salespeople and owners around the world become massively successful and
he can help you too.
waste years of your life figuring out how to do something when someone can show
you how in a very short time?
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